For incomes of net €2245 or higher, thecosts are €70 per session, and for incomes below €2245 the costs are €40 per session. For incomes of net €2245 or higher, thecosts are €70 per session, and for incomes below €2245 the costs are €40 per session.
Various insurance companies reimburse the costs for play therapy. Please inquire if you qualify and how much reimbursement you receive per year with your health insurance. You can find out more information on this website: Many parents make changes or additions to their health insurance policy to get a better reimbursement. Per school year you can get reimbursed on average twenty times - ten before and ten after the turn of the year. You pay immediately afterwards with your debit card and then receive an invoice, which you can claim with your insurance. Play therapy Munda is affiliated with the NVVS(Dutch Association of Play Therapists) and the FVB (The Federation of Professional Therapy Professions) and works according to the professional code of the NVVS and the FVB. Play Therapy Munda recognises the rules that are drawn up by the WKKgz.
It is possible that you have a complaint about the care provided. My preference is that you discuss this complaint directly with me. However if that is not what you prefer, you can use the independent complaints officer at
Ita Wegmanhuis. Our complaints procedure includes the possible next steps. The complaints procedure was drawn up under the Act on Quality Complaints and Disputes in Health Care. It states how you can submit a complaint and how it will be handled. If you do not agree with the outcome, you can request a ruling from the independent dispute resolution body Stichting Zorggeschil. Further information can be found in the Complaints Procedure.
Code for Domestic violence and Child Abuse (Reporting Code Act)
This law means that all organisations that work with children and adults must have a reporting code and must enable employees to work with it.The purpose of the reporting code is to halp profesional act earlier and better if they suspect hat a family member is being mistreated, neglected or sexually abused at home. We know from eaearch that profesionals who work with a reporting cide tajkes steps three times more often and fater than professionals who do not use a reporting code. These steps doe not necessarily lead to a notification. Steps 1-5 will be followed at speltherapy Munda in cases.
E C M J van Langen
Registratie Lid FVB (Federatie vaktherapeutische beroepen) registratie lidnr.:110501
Registratie Lid Nvvs (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Speltherapie
) lidnr.:110501
Registratie waarbij elke 5 jaar herregistratie, hier staan eveneens alle opleidingen en verplichte nascholingen geregistreerd.
Lid Nederlandse Commissie OaDT : Onderzoeksagenda Dramatherapie
AGB praktijkcode bij 20-11-2020zolang je bij beroepsvereniging ingeschreven staat blijf je AGB-code houden.
AGB zorgverlenerscode op naam: E.C.M.J. van Langen is Engelmunda van Langen (dit zijn mijn officiële initialen.
RBCZ Lidnummer 230006R
Prestatiecode 9000en/of
24504 behandelingoverige psychosociale hulpverlening
VvAABeroepsaansprakelijkheidsverzekering, klachtenfunctionaris zal speltherapiemunda zelfbetalen
(is ingevuld bij in het Qualitricz online account)
relatie-polisnummer: 192357/1152547De verzekerde kosten zijn conform verzekeringsvoorwaardenRB-1701
VvAARechtsbijstandverzekering (is ingevuld bij in het Qualitricz onlineaccount
) relatie-polisnummer:192357/1152548
Dekking conform verzekeringsvoorwaarden RB-1701 en AVS-2001.Vervaldatum VvAA tot wederopzegging.
NibigWkkgz (geschillencommissie) registratie Nibig-nummer: 730816 Vervaldatum:2027. Op Qualitricz staan alle diploma’s, lidmaatschappen, verzekeringen en behandelmethoden nogmaals geadministreerd.
PSBK PsychoSocialeBasiskennis verplicht en behaald sinds 2021